Why Are Portfolio Reviews Important?

Portfolio reviews in photography are important because they provide an opportunity for photographers to showcase their best work and receive constructive feedback from industry professionals. A strong portfolio is essential for advancing a career in photography, and a portfolio review can help photographers identify areas for improvement and refine their style and approach.

By preparing for a portfolio review and presenting their work in the best possible light, photographers can make a lasting impression on reviewers and open up new opportunities for their career. Here’s what one member had to say about her BWP portfolio review:

“I just want to shout out Polly Irungu again for putting together these portfolio reviews. I just had one with Bloomberg, and it was really great. I am a person who suffers from deep imposter syndrome and it kept me from showing my work in a portfolio review capacity for a while. I wasn’t even sure I was going to sign up for any this year, but I’m really glad I did, and I received a lot of constructive feedback and encouragement. So if you’re a person who also is nervous about showing your portfolio or don’t think you’re ready or it’s not “complete” in the way you want, I think you should go for it. It could be the motivation you need to make new work or believe in the power of your lens." — Sabrina Sellers, California.


How to Prepare for a Portfolio Review